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Well, finally, after months of planning, thoughts and anticipation, my website is up and my first ever blog awaits.
And my mind wonders, how to start, what to share, what would interest you, the reader? Please tell me what you would like to see in my comments section of my blog.
Also the uncertainty, sharing the comments of my dear friend Karen in her blog “WhimsiKa”, would anyone ever get to read my thoughts, will anyone find my blog and come in for a visit?
I hope so! In our everyday life we all have a multitude of feelings, hopes and dreams, and when art enters our life there’s a special kind of magic that comes with it, that makes our hearts sing and fills our souls with such awe and fulfillment, that it would be selfish not to share it with the world.
Through art and throughout the years I met many wonderful and kind people and made many lifelong friends. For over a decade textile art was my niche, where my creativity laid and my heart found solace.
This was me back then!
Then, the loss of my studio meant a few years of isolation and solitude. Until, about two years ago, I discovered the Faerie Realm and slowly, through Faery Art, I entered a whole new world of mystical art where I found the most amazing, loving and caring group of artists who changed my life.
My art took on a new direction. The intense creative rewards that I had first found in textiles, has now been matched by the soul enriching feeling that painting spiritual pieces gives me today. And the friendships that I have made along the way, the interaction with the most beautifully gifted and caring artists that anyone could find, that I have been blessed in finding and feeling their love and support, has made my heart sing once again.
This is me now!
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